The Presidency and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. A common cause
- "For Health. Together', i.e. health priorities during the Polish EU presidency
How to use PLN 17 billion for health from KPO?
- Liquidate or consolidate? Which path will be a viable scenario for hospital reform in Poland?
- Inverted pyramid of benefits. How to build the health care system anew?
- Drug policy. Current issues - reform of EU pharmaceutical legislation, reimbursement changes, the Presidency
- The pharmaceutical industry and its impact on the economy
- Financing development and investment - raising EU funds
- Public health in Europe
E-health and new technologies
- E-health in Poland - directions of development of the digitalisation of health care
- Best practices - implementation and realisation of IT systems
- Artificial intelligence. Realistic application in medicine
- Integration of medical data, systems and solutions - patient, doctor, facility
- Challenges of hospital directors in the era of digitisation
- Medical robotics
Human resources in healthcare
- Healthcare HR overview. White spots, the state of medical human resources
- HR competencies in health care. Problems on the labour market and adaptation of the educational system
- Professional burnout of medical professionals. How to prevent it?
- Management in health care
- Restructuring of hospitals - optimising the organisation of medical institutions
- Insurance of hospitals
- Health insurance
- Risk management in hospitals
Management in health care
- Restructuring of hospitals - optimising the organisation of medical facilities
- Hospital insurance
- Health insurance
- Risk management in hospitals
Health system and patients
- Coordinated care - there is no other way
- Comprehensive approach to rehabilitation
- Laboratory diagnostics
- Urology and gynaecology - modern technologies in treatment
- Cardiology - organisation and availability of treatment
- Oncology - organisation and availability of treatment
- Haematooncology
- Rare diseases
- Vaccination
- Lung diseases
- Obesity
- Prescription drugs
- Neurology - availability of treatment in selected neurological diseases
- Public health - diseases of civilisation