

The Presidency and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. A common cause

  1. "For Health. Together', i.e. health priorities during the Polish EU presidency
    How to use PLN 17 billion for health from KPO?
  2. Liquidate or consolidate? Which path will be a viable scenario for hospital reform in Poland?
  3. Inverted pyramid of benefits. How to build the health care system anew?
  4. Drug policy. Current issues - reform of EU pharmaceutical legislation, reimbursement changes, the Presidency
  5. The pharmaceutical industry and its impact on the economy
  6. Financing development and investment - raising EU funds
  7. Public health in Europe

E-health and new technologies

  1. E-health in Poland - directions of development of the digitalisation of health care
  2. Best practices - implementation and realisation of IT systems
  3. Artificial intelligence. Realistic application in medicine
  4. Integration of medical data, systems and solutions - patient, doctor, facility
  5. Challenges of hospital directors in the era of digitisation
  6. Medical robotics

Human resources in healthcare

  1. Healthcare HR overview. White spots, the state of medical human resources
  2. HR competencies in health care. Problems on the labour market and adaptation of the educational system
  3. Professional burnout of medical professionals. How to prevent it?
  4. Management in health care
  5. Restructuring of hospitals - optimising the organisation of medical institutions
  6. Insurance of hospitals
  7. Health insurance
  8. Risk management in hospitals

Management in health care

  1. Restructuring of hospitals - optimising the organisation of medical facilities
  2. Hospital insurance
  3. Health insurance
  4. Risk management in hospitals

Health system and patients

  1. Coordinated care - there is no other way
  2. Comprehensive approach to rehabilitation
  3. Laboratory diagnostics
  4. Urology and gynaecology - modern technologies in treatment
  5. Cardiology - organisation and availability of treatment
  6. Oncology - organisation and availability of treatment
  7. Haematooncology
  8. Rare diseases
  9. Vaccination
  10. HIV
  11. Lung diseases
  12. Obesity
  13. Prescription drugs
  14. Neurology - availability of treatment in selected neurological diseases
  15. Public health - diseases of civilisation